Microbreaks: Ignite Energy And Focus With The Creative Cycle & Meridian Clock
Explore the magic and power of microbreaks as a simple, accessible and effective tool you can incorporate into your routine to boost out energy, increase your motivation, balance your mood and improve your focus.
This course, designed to awaken deep insight from within you, marries Microbreaks, and the Power of the Creative Cycle and the Five Elements, a framework that comes from Qi Gong and Chinese Medicine Philosophy. The creative cycle is a process that underpins all transactions and processes in life, from how projects unfold, to the shifting seasons within a year and changing energies of a day, to your life cycle as a human. There are Five Phases in the Creative Cycle, which correspond to the Five Elements, which is rooted in Chinese Medicine philosophy.
Microbreaks are brief, frequent pauses taken during the day to help you recharge and refocus. Unlike more extended breaks, microbreaks last only a few minutes and seamlessly fit into your workflow without disruption. This course consists of 7 short lessons, 2 education sessions and 5 short, fun and effective microbreaks or micro rituals which, when done throughout the day, will help you manage anxiety, fatigue and other challenges, and boost your energy and cultivate clarity and calm.
Lesson 1
3 Benefits Of Microbreaks
Learn 3 reasons why microbreaks are important and how they can boost your productivity and well-being, then you'll be guided to reflect on your current relationship with microbreaks.
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Lesson 2
5-7 AM: Refresh Your System
Your first microbreak is a simple Qigong breathing exercise, the Xi-Xi-Hu technique that will help you release stress, fatigue and overthinking and welcome clarity, calm and ease by encouraging a fuller and deeper breath.
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Lesson 3
9-11 AM: Start Your Engine
Your second microbreak is a gentle 6 dimensions seated stretch to get your engine started. This stretch, which takes you through the 6 degrees of freedom of your spine, will improve your body awareness, maintain your back health and gently, stretch your stomach and spleen organs, stimulating and boosting their activity so you can enjoy balanced energy.
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Lesson 4
1-3 PM: Tend To Your Heart
Your third microbreak comes from my other course, Overwhelm to Ease: Powerful Time and energy management hacks. This is a simple self-acupressure technique for your heart to release overwhelm and soothe anxiety, which you can do while refilling your tea, or waiting for coffee to brew before you start the second half of your work day.
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Lesson 5
5-7 PM: Fill Your Well
For your fourth microbreak to fill your well we’ll explore a self-massage and acupressure microbreak for Kidney 1 Yong Quan (Bubbling spring). This is a great practice to do if you’re feeling tired or right after waking up, especially if you experienced insomnia last night this will be helpful for you. Massaging this point releases nervous energy, creating a peaceful, grounded state of mind.
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Lesson 6
Before 11 PM: Settle Into Sleep
For your final microbreak we’ll explore a 4-5-6 breathing and self-touch microbreak to soothe insomnia, release overthinking, stress and cultivate kindness and compassion for yourself.
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Lesson 7
Create Your Own Microbreaks Routine
Explore some additional ideas for other types of microbreaks, and some reflection questions for you to muse over so you can create your own unique microbreaks routine that works for you.
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